Friday, September 14, 2007

What Is the PCF?

The Process Classification Framework (PCF) is one of APQC's points of pride. As you may have often heard, benchmarking requires "apples-to-apples" comparisons; the PCF is how APQC ensures we're providing just that.

As an industry-neutral process taxonomy, the PCF lets organizations of all stripes compare performance in key areas. It is a living document molded by input from organizations in all industries and sectors. Learn how the PCF can benefit your organization, in the words of PCF steward John Tesmer.

I love learning how people and companies do business around the world. Industry, regional, and even political factors influence business, but there is one central theme: the Process Classification Framework. It translates the intricate operations of individual organizations into a universal language that enables universal growth.

Working with the PCF gives me the opportunity to see exactly how people and companies are using the it in their businesses. I see where it matches up with what they already do, where it doesn’t, and how it can be made more relevant.

This vantage point is helpful at APQC--We use feedback from customers and PCF users to guide research and service offerings. Much of what we do ends up back in the hands of the people who use the PCF; the cycle improves quality and productivity around the world, from the smallest local company to the largest multi-national corporation. I’m excited about the PCF because its open standard is the future of business.

As John says, the PCF is the foundation for much of APQC's research. Learn more about the PCF and download your complimentary copy.

Questions about the PCF? E-mail John Tesmer.

Ready to start benchmarking your processes? Check out our Open Standards Benchmarking Collaborative metric research.

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